Collage Portraits
This workshop starts by getting messy - using paints, pastels and inks to make a stash of handmade paper textures. 
Participants can try out different mark-making techniques such as stippling and different dry/wet brush effects, or apply the paint using sponges, sticks, hands... be as careful and precise, or as messy and free as you like.
Once everyone has collected a good stash of painted paper, we can start cutting and sticking pieces together, thinking carefully about combining different textures, shapes and colours to gradually construct a collaged portrait. It's easy to get lost in deep concentration at this stage - the careful precision of arranging each tiny piece makes a really good contrast with the chaos and messy paint splatters from earlier!
This is a really good workshop to promote creativity, focus and mindfulness. I always find collage is a really good way to get out of a creative block, or start making art again after a bit of time off. 
It can be a huge boost for participants who lack confidence with drawing and painting. 
It's also a really good way to make friends and meet new people - especially if you end up trading pieces from your paper stash with the person next to you!
This workshop can be based around a chosen theme or event such as International Women's Day or World Book Day.
Length: 2-3 hours
Suitable for: All ages!
To enquire about booking this workshop or for further information, please get in touch via email: ðŸ’¬
International Women's Day
This workshop was a brilliant way to celebrate International Women's Day 2023 at Left Bank Leeds. Participants made portraits of a woman that they find inspiring - from Malala Yousafzai, to Frida Kahlo, to Rosa Parks, Ellie Simmonds, Harriet Tubman... or chose to make portraits of their own friends, sisters, mothers, aunties and grandmothers. I was really excited to see some self-portraits too!
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